Category Archives: Quick Thoughts

Stress, Complain, and Get Upset

We live life. This isn’t ever going away until the day we die. So that is fairly set in stone.

As we live our life, each day is met with events: second by second, minute by minute, hour by hour, and day by day. Good events, bad events, sad events, happy events.

This is our day. This is our path. There is no escaping this. It is our scheme how we let each event lead into the next event; this is our master plan, our grand illusion.

The way I see it, we have two choices. We can love each encounter and event, seek to share and exchange energy, and waltz through each moment of the day…. or we can get stressed, complain, and upset when the events don’t go as expected.

It’s your choice really.

Record, Reflect, Learn

Lessons cannot be escaped. They just can’t. They come at us every second of the day and fill us with temporary knowledge that enriches our lives abundantly.

However, without recording these lessons and reflecting back upon them how do we expect to remember the lessons and grow from them? Sure some major life turning lessons will sit in our conscience for a long time, but does just having them sit on our conscience allow us to work through them in a reasonable manner?

When I do a complicated mathematics problem and grab five hands of five fingers each and count them all up one by one to get twenty-five, I have just learned that 5×5=25. But, if I never look at this again I will forget my five sets of hands and must recount all the fingers next time I need 5×5.

However, because I’m actively learning, I’ve written down in my little notebook that 5×5=25 so I can frequently reference it and reflect upon it and understand it and memorize it and act with that sunk deep into my conscience.

How do you keep track of your lessons learned?


Creating Change

Creating a space to live in that encourages growth seems like an easy task; just light a few candles and post some inspirational quotes around and daily fresh flowers. Maybe some middle eastern music and a little sunshine.

Sure, that works if it’s just you. But, what happens when you’ve a whole organization or household to transform?

Patience comes from yourself, with your own activities. Patience is the key ingredient to slowly transforming a culture. It is much harder to stop a snowball rolling down the hill than it is to guide that snowball in the right direction to avoid disaster. Standing in front of an out of control horse will only get you trampled, but if you jump on it you can slowly calm it down and bring it to a halt.

And further, have you ever tried to convince somebody that is hysterical? Patience.

It starts with you, of course. Daily fresh flowers and candles will work for you. But, without your own strength – and patience – to lead and direct, it will not work. It is you that calls a team meeting to get everybody aligned, it is you who integrates culture creating activities. It is you who puts the pot of coffee on to share with everybody, and spikes it with maple syrup.

Don’t give up. Your quest is important.

So maybe it should be patience, confidence, and repetition that is necessary to bring your change around.

You Are Right and I Am Wrong

New age spirituality has a tendency to immediately discard any notions of religion, almost vehemently. That simple word has so many different connotations for everybody that it’s like a rainbow of emotions.

And what’s more, using this word seems to invite the non-believers among us to try and teach the religiously inclined why they’re wrong, who are usually at the same time trying to tell us it’s right.

Nobody wins. Nobody hears the other. And what is right and wrong?

If I understand correctly, the main opposition to religion is about the forced nature of it. New spiritual ideals say let’s let people find the answers for themselves through their own searching, not through being forced. Away from propaganda of organized religion, and into organic research and learning. Searching inside ourselves rather than reading about it in a book.

Perhaps the definition of spirituality is to learn from everything, from everybody, while trying to remove prejudices that cloud our ability to learn.

I think this starts with smiling, but I’m not 100% sure on that 🙂

How you define learning is up to you, but there is only one way to go about it.


Make It Count and Be Epic

The biggest obstacle I’ve ever come across when working on anything involving co-workers or employees is being able to delegate tasks. I consider myself a very aware person, every task I do I try to learn from and integrate this learning into the future. I find this delegating problem especially so if I’m starting new projects, diving into the unknown with new techniques or processes.

The biggest problem comes when I fear that delegating this task will mean the customer is no longer happy with the product they receive. What sets companies apart is how they deliver their products. I can still remember the first fly fishing rod I ever bought because they gave me a sticker with it.

Employees or co-workers who you are not comfortable delegating tasks to are a burden to the organization. Further, employees and co-workers who ignore the delicate nature of each and every task they undertake are the ones responsible for starting the ball rolling in a downward spiral of ‘just getting it done’.

Don’t just get it done, make it count and be epic.

So This is Your Love

When you climb into the eyes of another, when you share your soul with the ears of another, when you let yourself be consumed by another… or even unto yourself. This means love. I’m no definitive answer to – no do I know – all that is love, but I do know this means love. Love with self, love with nature, love with others, love with desire, love with connection.

There is a point in sharing when it becomes necessary to let go of inhibition and allow to flow forth from the depths of your soul what it is that needs to flow forth. You are the guide in this journey, you are the canoe floating down the river silently. You are the flag sitting atop the mountain triumphantly. You are the spark sitting in the fire, grasping for oxygen.

How do you recognize this moment?

I think the scary part for most is when we confuse – or feel the desire to separate – this feeling with lust.

To hug is not to sex. To stare deeply into the eyes of another is not to sex. To rest on the shoulder of another is not to sex. To explain feelings is not to sex. To share is not to sex.

To love is to never give up and to always give up at the same time.

In the history books, or religious books [most, probably not all], or classroom study guides, or mathematics books we don’t discuss this constant ebb and flow. Love has seemingly been hidden behind closed doors, under thick sheets with socks on, uncomfortably. This is love as a singular, as a taught concept and un-explored; even afraid to be explored.

Perhaps if you explore what love means to you, you might just find it’s a bit lovely too!

Further reading (and inspiration for this post) found on Elephant Journal.


The Grading Scheme

Challenge is a hard item to grade. After all, what’s challenging to me might be a cake walk for you. Further, if I work really hard – spend hours – on a project, especially a creative project, it might be considered a piece of junk compared to yours that you’ve put together in an hour.

Unless you ask my mother, then obviously mine is just as good as yours.

When faced with the industrial task of grading somebody, we must make a scale; there must be some sort of scheme we can use to compare quality. Past experiences, popular expectations, text book results all tell us how to scale and what to expect.

How on earth can your or I grade an inner feeling of quality? Why don’t we work in colors, giving creators a color grade on what they’ve done.

Oh, I really enjoy this, quite a bit. I like how the swirls there are evident. I’m giving this one a Purple.

The common scale, once we escape the schooling system, is a monetary scale. “I like this, I’m going to pay more for this.” Or alternatively: “This cheap thing broke on me, I wouldn’t spend a dime on it.”

It’s important to be aware of how we’re grading the world; how we’re grading people, efforts, quality, influence, habits, culture, accuracy, etc. can have drastic effects on the future development of the world, and our interactions with it.

What have you graded today?

Strength and Research

Every second (ok, maybe third or fourth) person out there is bombarding us with clever campaigns to infuse our person with strength, to make us a stronger race, and to take charge of our lives with electricity and vision.

This is good, how can anybody argue?

What they fail to mention is how important it is to also charge forth with knowledge, research, openness, and wits about us to make intelligent decisions.

A quote of Gandhi’s I frequently paraphrase is: “Yesterday I made a decision based on the best of my knowledge. If today new knowledge is imparted on me that changes yesterday’s opinon, I will vocally and enthusiastically embrace that new knowledge and shall make today’s decisions with that new knowledge in mind.”

The most important thing we need in our push forward is – after we have used the inspiration or quote of wisdom to take our jump – to remain inside of our awareness, aware of our consciousness, conscious of our goals, goals based on thorough research, research founded on fundamental truths.

Don’t believe the people who are paid to make you believe in what they want you to believe.

That jump you just took, that blog you just started, that garden you just planted, that’s the fun and easy part, the part that’s been most likely sold to you.

Now’s the hard part. Make it happen. Stick to it and do your research.

Take Your Time

With the advent of all our technology over the last 50 years or so, we still haven’t been able to invent a device that can stop time. I’m fairly certain this wont change any time soon either (see what I did there?).

So, each moment does count. Whether it’s spent lifting weights, stretching, baking a cake, or typing away at your latest proposal, time is constant and cannot be won back.

Enjoy it.

I encourage you to enjoy every single moment of time that flicks on by no matter what today brings. Taking out the trash? Be aware of the silhouette the trees play against the sky. Typing up a long report? Make sure the soundtrack to your life is set on repeat. Studying for finals? Feel those neurons building mass through knowledge.

See what’s happening here? Awareness.


Every morning I wake and head for a walk through the forest. I find it a great way to wake up and get my body moving for the day ahead.

I walk my way up the hill towards ruins that remain, a little sanctuary at the top most people walk to. There isn’t much left, but it’s a flat cement pad, with large steps one can sit on and look into the valley.

I walk here every day, sometimes twice. Sometimes I’ll find a wrapper discarded, a coffee mug forgotten…  On Friday morning when I arrived I noticed there were two Tim Hortons disposable coffee cups there, along with a chip bag, and a few discarded and empty cigarette packs. This reminded me of a few weeks earlier when I found a discarded sleeping bag, camping chair, and tent poles thrown into a copse of 7 year old trees nearby.

When I come across garbage, I usually pick it it up and carry it down. It happens sometimes, sometimes you sit down and put whatever it is you were holding down, and then forget it when you move on. I understand this. It’s ok.

The next day I returned, there was another Tim Hortons disposable coffee cup, smashed bottles, more empty cigarette packs, and a discarded pair of gym shoes. Being mid-run, and slightly annoyed, I left without picking it up.

Now today, for the third day in a row I’ve come across even more garbage. There are more bottles smashed, beer cans crushed, clothing strewn around, coffee cups tossed aside, and empty bags of chips floating with the wind…

Needless to say I’m not impressed.

We can do better than this world.

The positive note comes to me from a neighbour. Apparently there was a party up there on Friday, and one of the neighbors went up there after with a few bags to pick up all the bottles. Two garbage bags full!

When we litter, when we discard, it doesn’t just disappear, it lands in somebodies front lawn where they must take care of it, like it or not.