Tag Archives: delegate

From Passion Projects to Stress Projects

It will forever confuse me when a passion project is turned into a stress project.

(sidenote: shouldn’t all projects be passion projects?)

Yes, I understand that a lot of time has been poured into this project. Yes, I understand that the rest of life’s path is dictated by the outcome of this project. Yes, I know this is a passion. Yes, I also know somebody had to give birth to this baby.

I know it’s hard to let a project out of our hand, and delegate some tasks to others that have maybe more skill, knowledge, or experience in the necessary areas. But I also know that it does absolutely no good when we continue to grasp at that project like it’s a bag of falling beans.

Absolutely there are critical points in the next phase of this projects development that we should have input on, like the color scheme of a new book cover, or the photograph used in our bio or front page of new website.

However, when the we start telling the delegated (the SEO expert, the typist, the designer, the publisher, the artist, etc.) they’re not doing it right, it’s us who’s not doing it right.

Here’s an idea.

Delegate the stress.


Make It Count and Be Epic

The biggest obstacle I’ve ever come across when working on anything involving co-workers or employees is being able to delegate tasks. I consider myself a very aware person, every task I do I try to learn from and integrate this learning into the future. I find this delegating problem especially so if I’m starting new projects, diving into the unknown with new techniques or processes.

The biggest problem comes when I fear that delegating this task will mean the customer is no longer happy with the product they receive. What sets companies apart is how they deliver their products. I can still remember the first fly fishing rod I ever bought because they gave me a sticker with it.

Employees or co-workers who you are not comfortable delegating tasks to are a burden to the organization. Further, employees and co-workers who ignore the delicate nature of each and every task they undertake are the ones responsible for starting the ball rolling in a downward spiral of ‘just getting it done’.

Don’t just get it done, make it count and be epic.