Strength and Research

Every second (ok, maybe third or fourth) person out there is bombarding us with clever campaigns to infuse our person with strength, to make us a stronger race, and to take charge of our lives with electricity and vision.

This is good, how can anybody argue?

What they fail to mention is how important it is to also charge forth with knowledge, research, openness, and wits about us to make intelligent decisions.

A quote of Gandhi’s I frequently paraphrase is: “Yesterday I made a decision based on the best of my knowledge. If today new knowledge is imparted on me that changes yesterday’s opinon, I will vocally and enthusiastically embrace that new knowledge and shall make today’s decisions with that new knowledge in mind.”

The most important thing we need in our push forward is – after we have used the inspiration or quote of wisdom to take our jump – to remain inside of our awareness, aware of our consciousness, conscious of our goals, goals based on thorough research, research founded on fundamental truths.

Don’t believe the people who are paid to make you believe in what they want you to believe.

That jump you just took, that blog you just started, that garden you just planted, that’s the fun and easy part, the part that’s been most likely sold to you.

Now’s the hard part. Make it happen. Stick to it and do your research.

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