Fasting is done for a variety of reasons, each of which is held only by the faster, who is the most important person were concerned with. When undertaking the challenge of a fast, do not be afraid: its not as horrible as some might lead you to believe.
In accordance with blogs and articles, the best way to enter and exit a fast is with a gradual reducing of food going in, and a gradual increase of food going out, which should last about 2 days on either side.
Going in to the fast will be the harder one to achieve, for your stomach is still calling for its next feeding, but when coming out, usually you will not even be able to eat a giant steak and potato dinner.
At both times, eat healthy, avoid any junk food or fast food and stick to meals consisting of raw vegetables and fruits, or small portions of grains or rice, but the key is to eat as healthy as possible.
This is especially important for the detox faster, for the healthier you eat the better you will feel as well. Eating healthier foods will, as happens even when you’re not fasting, make you feel healthier, and your stomach will not speak to you in loud groans trying to digest the junk just fed it.
Many experts talk about fasting to lose weight as well. One even claimed to have done the 40 day fast, with nothing but water, tea, and diluted juice. He lost 150lbs, which brought his weight down to 80lbs. If it’s a diet you’re looking for however, I would suggest a more practical way such as exercise and eating healthy as first steps towards loosing the weight.
In most corners, however, one thing is common: is it as much a mental challenge as it is a physical challenge. Stay focused! This is a mind exercise!
Most bodies are capable of doing the fast (check with your doctor if you are on any medication or are experiencing health problems), it’s the challenge of not letting your mind get carried away with longing for hunger.
Key factors to this success are keeping yourself busy, and knowing your goals. Some fasts, especially the longer ones, recommend lots of bed rest. This could be a good thing for people that can handle inactivity without going crazy, but that’s not something I particularly fancy. I am a firm believer that activity stimulates the mind, and keeps the body aware. It doesn’t necessarily have to be lifting weights, which is very dangerous when fasting, but reading, cleaning, organizing: going about regular daily activities. Yes, it is true that in the longer fasts one will lose not be capable of much strenuous activities, but each person should test the limits their body is capable of achieving.
Please, consult a physician if you have any medical history, or continual health problems. I am not to be held responsible. If you start feeling heart palpitations, black outs, or other various very unhealthy conditions as a result of the fast, don’t be stubborn, break the fast and keep yourself alive.
On this note, some circles claim that long extended fasts can cure diseases of all sorts: Mental illnesses, cancers, old football injuries (i.e. broken bones), etc. This I cannot attest to, but if a person were in the position of either living with cancer or trying a 40 day fast, I think it’s easy to see which way would be more enviable.
Most of all stay strong in your quest, for whatever reason you seek to undertake the fast, know why you are doing it, and stay positive. You’re doing it for yourself and yourself only. Good luck!