Tag Archives: spices

Tomato Paste Sauce

tomato pasteThis is a recipe that I have perfected after many mild alterations throughout the years.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato paste 100% pure (3 small cans is enough for 2)
  • Black Olives
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Cinnamon
  • Tarragon
  • Pepper
  • Ground Nutmeg
  • Cumin
  • Cloves

First, get the paste in a pot. Put this on heat that just gets it bubbling a little bit. To much bubbling and you’ll get burning on the bottom of the pot, and splashing over the top which makes a mess on your oven top.

I use one of the now empty can’s to fill about half way with water, and stir in a bit of water at a time. Don’t put to much water in or it will make the sauce to liquid, but ensure you keep adding some over time, as it is required to make it a little less thick.

Add all the spices, be light on the cumin and wait on the cinnamon. Don’t be afraid to be extra heavy on the oregano and basil. That’s what its supposed to have! I love adding black olives too. It just makes it amazing! I would also suggest some fried garlic if you so feel inclined to prepare a bit.

Only add 1 (or 2 if the dish is big or you want big flavor) cloves. They are strong.

Stir it constantly as it simmers. Make the rest of your meal at this point, let the sauce simmer for the whole time.

Near the end, add a bit of cinnamon, this, I find, is my secret spice and makes this tomato sauce extra special with a bit of signature to it!

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Red Chicken Pasta Sauce

Today’s dish is Red Chicken. Its a pasta dish that’s served with a homemade tomato paste sauce, and is oh so delicious. I will refrain from going through how to make the sauce, for you can find it here.

What you’ll need:

  • spaghetti (a moderate fist full usually is enough for 2)
  • chicken
  • 1 in total peppers (red, orange, yellow)
  • 4 medium mushrooms
  • onion
  • garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • sesame seeds
  • poppy seeds
  • tarragon
  • ginger
  • ground coriander seed

chicken speghetti 04

I start right away before I take anything out to boil a pot of water for the spaghetti. Get this on for it will take as long or exactly the same amount of time as the chicken does.

The, start as usual with some olive oil in the pan, and turn on the burner to put the chopped up, bite sized chicken into the pan to fry.

When this has been started, add your spices. I use a lot of sesame seeds, tarragon, and poppy seeds. The others vary greatly depending on the mood. Ginger is good, not really necessary to be careful with.. Very good and distinct tastes to the dish.

I like to keep the chicken portion of this fairly ‘chicken-y’ tasting, for it keeps the taste different than the sauce that you’ll be adding later, so I try not to mix spices to much.

Stir this nicely and then get chopping!

I try and get the onions and garlic into the chicken as soon as possible. Adds flavor to the chicken I find.

chicken speghetti 01

When the chicken is nearly done, add the veges to fry for a little while. Personally, I enjoy having veges that are warm, and soft, but still hold their shape, so I find the perfect time to add them is right when almost all the pink in the chicken is gone.

After the chicken is done, Add the pasta sauce you’ve already made.

chicken speghetti 02Stir this for a short time, just to get things nicely mixed, and then serve!

chicken speghetti 03_0Enjoy!

Chicken Balsetta by Ned Tobin

I call this dish Chicken Balsetta for its Basil. Its one of my staples.

What you’ll need:

  • rice (1/3 a cup per person)
  • chicken (~1 breast per person)
  • 1 tomatoe
  • 1/4 broccoli
  • 2 small carrots
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 2 slices of onion
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • sesame seeds
  • celery seeds
  • basil
  • paprika
  • tarragon
  • salt/pepper
  • cardamom seeds

chicken balsetta_2

To start get the rice on to boil. Wash the rice a few times by running it under the water, and then (for white rice) add 1:1 water:rice and bring to a boil, then turn to low and set your time for 15 minutes.

While I wait for the rice to boil, I chop up my chicken into bite sized pieces, and put them in the frying pan, add a dash of olive oil and turn it on med-high temp.

At this point, I add all the spices. My favorite for all chicken dishes is tarragon, some paprika, sesame seeds are a must, celery seeds, and the spice to make the recipe: Basil!

Keep an eye on this when cutting up veges so that it doesn’t burn (ie. stir it frequently!)

I like to cut up my garlic and onions first, to quickly get them in with the chicken to give it more flavor, but thats me.

Then cut up the carrots (and any other veges you so choose to add, just not the tomato) and throw them in when the chicken is almost done.

When this whole mix is almost done put your chopped up tomato’s into the mix, you just want to warm them up so that they don’t get soft on you, but still warm (this is how I like them personally).

Mind your rice, it should be done about the same time. The chicken usually takes me about 10 min, the rice 15 min always. So, just time it right.

I like to serve mine with a side of a few slices of tomato to make it look extra pretty!

chicken balsetta_4Enjoy!

All In A Day

Healthy eating is the place to start when you’re looking for a new lifestyle, a new you, or even exercising the best you into a daily routine. So ask yourself, what are staples that you eat every day, and how can you introduce a more healthy collection of foods into your eating habits. A lot of people find that the word ‘diet’ refers to you something that fat people need to do, or uber health conscience people do, but really, what you eat IS your diet. That’s just the plain truth. First thing to think about is the three meals of the day. What do eat? For me, it’s an easy choice.


My breakfasts consist of fruits, oats, flax seeds, and almond milk, all blended together and poured into a full beer mug, and gulped down in a few quick minutes.

Breakfast-Keeps-You-FitNow, I’ve gone through quite the different milk selections, from dairy milk, to soy milk, to rice milk and finally on to almond milk. This is a choice I’ve made because of the calcium. Look on the boxes and you’ll see the content of each. Just take a few minutes at the grocer and look at the content and ingredients of each.

newtons_breakfastThe rest is an easy, bananas, apples, oranges, cherries, melon, watermelon, and blueberries, fruits that are very healthy. For a few years now, I’ve eliminated dairy from the diet, so this means no eggs in the morning, or cheese on those scrambled eggs, or cereal with milk, or.. well, you get the point, this eliminates a lot of things from the menu.

American_lunchOn to lunch.

This is kind of a free for all. But, really think about the traditional meals. Sandwiches, wraps, tuna bowls, well really, put anything into the mix and you have a good lunch. But, what I think really matters, is that you are eating a dish that doesn’t consist of grease, fats, or salts. You most definitely want to avoid the fast food chains like McDonalds, Arby’s, etc. These kind of places will suck you into their fries, or their milkshakes, or their pop. Bad news.


Really good ideas are:

  • A cold cut sandwich with lettuce, pickles, tomatoes, meat, mayo and mustard is one of my faves.
  • A salad of many varieties.
  • Energy bars like Nature Valley, or Clif bars (which are my favorite) are a good choice for lunch, and quick.
  • Wraps with left over roast, or chicken salad stuffed in
  • A bowl of tuna (I eat it just the tuna, but mayo and lettuce is a good addition too)
  • Fry up a some chicken with yams



A lot of rumors are out there that you need a lot of proteins to stay alive. These rumors come from the producers of protein shakes and supplements as a propaganda machine, in my honest opinion.

That being said, you still need to get yourself some healthy meat into your body for consumption. I recommend a ranch where they sell range roaming, grass and grain fed, hormone free, and healthy cattle for you to eat.

This ensures that you’re not eating meat that’s been brutalized and lives in a cubicle for its whole life, being fattened with hormones and steroids, and eating pesticide rich grass. It’s very important to purchase good meat.

To go with your meat, make sure you mix up your dishes. I find it really helpful to learn a few key recipes, that you can use frequently and fall back on when you’re in a rush or just want to get it done. This way it’s not such a daunting task to get out the cookbook, buy the spices and ingredients, and the carefully care and attend to the meal.

But if you do want to try something new, you can see some of our recipes.


I’m a cook that likes to be creative in the kitchen. A must have staple for me is to keep at least a dozen different spices to use that I instantly recognize the flavour of. It’s easy to experiment with this kind of stuff, so have fun!

The idea though, is that you are eating healthy dishes. I find that if I eat enough main dish, with maybe sticking an avocado or a carrot in there on the side, I get all the food in my belly to make me feel like I’ve eaten to much, and don’t want or require any junk food or rich desserts.

I always feel like I’m killing my body when I eat the kind of crap that comes in wrappers, so for me it’s always been easy to eat healthy. A policy that I’ve started is that I don’t buy things that come in plastic or metal wrapping. This means no .99c cans of soup, no chocolate bars, chips, gummy bears, etc. but, naturally, I am not an uncompromising human being, and I do have cravings for some chocolate once and a while, in which case I’ll go to the bulk section and stock up with some chocolate covered almonds! Yum.

I have also compromised on chips, I do occasionally buy myself some nachos and salsa and eat those. I usually find when that happens, I get to full to eat a dinner, so it’s a substitute, which isn’t a good thing.

I find it really helpful to buy snacks that are going to be healthy choices, and not even have the option between candy or healthy in the house. I buy snacks like apples, bananas, or bulk trail mix, instead of Lays BBQ chips, or Mr. Big chocolate bars. Hopefully this will give you some inspiration on how to start focusing on your diet.

Remember, water is key, and a glass of wine never hurt anyone!
