Tag Archives: cinnamon

Tomato Paste Sauce

tomato pasteThis is a recipe that I have perfected after many mild alterations throughout the years.

What you’ll need:

  • Tomato paste 100% pure (3 small cans is enough for 2)
  • Black Olives
  • Basil
  • Oregano
  • Cinnamon
  • Tarragon
  • Pepper
  • Ground Nutmeg
  • Cumin
  • Cloves

First, get the paste in a pot. Put this on heat that just gets it bubbling a little bit. To much bubbling and you’ll get burning on the bottom of the pot, and splashing over the top which makes a mess on your oven top.

I use one of the now empty can’s to fill about half way with water, and stir in a bit of water at a time. Don’t put to much water in or it will make the sauce to liquid, but ensure you keep adding some over time, as it is required to make it a little less thick.

Add all the spices, be light on the cumin and wait on the cinnamon. Don’t be afraid to be extra heavy on the oregano and basil. That’s what its supposed to have! I love adding black olives too. It just makes it amazing! I would also suggest some fried garlic if you so feel inclined to prepare a bit.

Only add 1 (or 2 if the dish is big or you want big flavor) cloves. They are strong.

Stir it constantly as it simmers. Make the rest of your meal at this point, let the sauce simmer for the whole time.

Near the end, add a bit of cinnamon, this, I find, is my secret spice and makes this tomato sauce extra special with a bit of signature to it!

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Making a blend, smoothie, or shake is by far the best way to start off every morning right. Depending on what the blendee puts in their blend, it can provide fresh fruits for vitamins, oats for sustenance, flax for dietary tract, and milk for calcium to keep the bones strong and teeth white.


I have gotten into the routine of blending about a 5 cup blend every single morning for my breakfast. I used to hate breakfast because it was filled with sugary syrups or cereals, toast and jam, or bland eggs, which is all too much intake of foods I’ve been trying to avoid.

A blend gives energy needed to complete my day very quickly and tastily. The following is a list of items that I will put in my blend, depending on what is in season, or on sale at the market:

  • almond milk
  • rolled oats
  • flax seed
  • blueberry
  • strawberry
  • apple
  • banana
  • mango
  • papaya
  • raspberry
  • plum
  • peach
  • nectarine
  • watermelon
  • melon
  • honeydew
  • orange
  • lemon
  • spinach


In almost every single blend I have

  • 2/3rds of a cup of rolled oats
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 1 teaspoon of flax seeds
  • a banana

From there, I will add two of the other items.

I have experimented with all sorts of mixes, and I find that the banana provides a really great base to my blends.

Another favorite thing to add is the blueberries. They give the blend an amazing purple color, and flavor that sweetens it right up to a very delightful flavor. If frozen blueberries are added, it gives the blend a bit colder taste, which thickens it into a very nice consistency. Sometimes ice cubes can be added if it’s a particularly hot day out, or if that’s the consistency you enjoy.

After you try a few blends, you’ll start to get the idea of how much you can handle. After my usual banana, milk, and oats, I will usually add a full apple and a handful of strawberries for instance, and that will fill me up nicely.


Get adventurous with it and add some cinnamon to the mix to give it a nice flavor, or even some vanilla extract! I hope you enjoy.

I’ve been really enjoying, in the right season, an Avacado Banana Smoothie, which is the perfect late afternoon snack!