Tag Archives: spaghetti

Red Chicken Pasta Sauce

Today’s dish is Red Chicken. Its a pasta dish that’s served with a homemade tomato paste sauce, and is oh so delicious. I will refrain from going through how to make the sauce, for you can find it here.

What you’ll need:

  • spaghetti (a moderate fist full usually is enough for 2)
  • chicken
  • 1 in total peppers (red, orange, yellow)
  • 4 medium mushrooms
  • onion
  • garlic
  • extra virgin olive oil
  • sesame seeds
  • poppy seeds
  • tarragon
  • ginger
  • ground coriander seed

chicken speghetti 04

I start right away before I take anything out to boil a pot of water for the spaghetti. Get this on for it will take as long or exactly the same amount of time as the chicken does.

The, start as usual with some olive oil in the pan, and turn on the burner to put the chopped up, bite sized chicken into the pan to fry.

When this has been started, add your spices. I use a lot of sesame seeds, tarragon, and poppy seeds. The others vary greatly depending on the mood. Ginger is good, not really necessary to be careful with.. Very good and distinct tastes to the dish.

I like to keep the chicken portion of this fairly ‘chicken-y’ tasting, for it keeps the taste different than the sauce that you’ll be adding later, so I try not to mix spices to much.

Stir this nicely and then get chopping!

I try and get the onions and garlic into the chicken as soon as possible. Adds flavor to the chicken I find.

chicken speghetti 01

When the chicken is nearly done, add the veges to fry for a little while. Personally, I enjoy having veges that are warm, and soft, but still hold their shape, so I find the perfect time to add them is right when almost all the pink in the chicken is gone.

After the chicken is done, Add the pasta sauce you’ve already made.

chicken speghetti 02Stir this for a short time, just to get things nicely mixed, and then serve!

chicken speghetti 03_0Enjoy!