Tag Archives: passion

From Passion Projects to Stress Projects

It will forever confuse me when a passion project is turned into a stress project.

(sidenote: shouldn’t all projects be passion projects?)

Yes, I understand that a lot of time has been poured into this project. Yes, I understand that the rest of life’s path is dictated by the outcome of this project. Yes, I know this is a passion. Yes, I also know somebody had to give birth to this baby.

I know it’s hard to let a project out of our hand, and delegate some tasks to others that have maybe more skill, knowledge, or experience in the necessary areas. But I also know that it does absolutely no good when we continue to grasp at that project like it’s a bag of falling beans.

Absolutely there are critical points in the next phase of this projects development that we should have input on, like the color scheme of a new book cover, or the photograph used in our bio or front page of new website.

However, when the we start telling the delegated (the SEO expert, the typist, the designer, the publisher, the artist, etc.) they’re not doing it right, it’s us who’s not doing it right.

Here’s an idea.

Delegate the stress.


Igniting Passion

Igniting passion is a very valuable skill to have. To be able to tap into this essence that seems to live in the ether but still very valid and so thick it’s almost tangible.

Regular monotony in a daily thought pattern to inspired passion

There’s a pattern to this though, there’s some secrets to regularly igniting this inspired passion to have it become more and more prominent as days go by.

How, you may ask? How do we take our regular monotony, our tedious schedule of daily life and turn it into a passionate and inspired life? The answer is simple: modify and carefully select your daily thought patterns.

Kim Anami calls it following your bliss. Seth Godin talks about the process. The truth is, it’s continual thought patters that are as dynamic as the changing weather seasons but just as reliably there.

I refer to this as awareness and commitment and intention. The Art of Manliness calls this concentration training. What do you call this?

The skill you need is simple: intention. Know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Know why you say what you’re saying. Know where it is that you want to get to, and how you plan to get there so that you can identify when you’re not following those plans to get there and you can re-map your path back onto that path.

Everybody has their own strategy to mapping this. Creating a personal mission statement, defining effective goals, slowing down, check lists… Perhaps you have some tips for me?

Pleasures and All

Every animal has their pleasures (yes, us humans are included in this).

Whether we’re vocal, public, or confident about it is another matter.

I have noticed a trend that those of us that do not shy away from our pleasures, whether it’s investing in stocks, creating toothpick art, a perfect cup of coffee in the morning, or reaching 5 orgasms in 10 minutes… the idea is that if we are proud of what we’re doing, if we’re interested in it and dig into it with all that we have and possess, then we’ll find ourselves in the region where a glow and shine emanates from our beings vibrantly.

That’s where I’m going. I hope I’ll see you there.

Communication With Passion


I recently attended an event, a seminar if you will, with five people brainstorming in a room. It was a round table discussion, so the chance to speak came around many times. I noticed a trend.

I noticed certain speakers held my attention much more effectively than others did. The reason became very obvious the second time around. The third time was ridging on unbearable.

You can speak, and say things… Or you can enthusiastically speak with your whole body and mind and verbally visualize things.

It’s not easy to learn this, to get the confidence required for this, and most certainly each situation requires a different level of animation. You wouldn’t cuddle down with a lover and suddenly jump up with animated hand gestures. But if you’re having a group discussion, pitching a project, or presenting a business plan… GET INTO IT!

Now repeat with passion.

Besides, if you do something silly with passion everybody laughs; laughing is good!

Engage Me

When I’m engaging with you, I’m not looking for passive thoughts, distracted eye contact, mumbling, disengagement – or engagement with  your cell phone.. no, what I’m looking for is engaging with you enthusiastically, even for just an instant.

If somebody makes the effort to engage you, if somebody reaches out to you to shine some light into your day, give them a moment. Share with them your thoughts and best wishes, give them your undivided attention for just a few moments, and do it with passion. Each new moment is a moment for us to condition ourselves. If we develop the passive and listless habit with a few, take notice how the few soon becomes the many.

Contrary to popular opinion, if I give somebody my time, energetically and enthusiastically, both of us – I’m certain – will leave that interaction energized and more excited to live today with jazz!

Keep in mind there are time leechers out there, interested in nothing more than having the personal satisfaction of occupying your space and mind for as long as they can. This is hazardous, this person engages you but does it in a distracted, lethargic manner, and yes, it’s a topic for another time.