Just One Time

Just one time. A one time fix.

Quite a novel idea isn’t it?

I guess this is also equivalent to the quick fix, the get rich quick scheme, speeding…

Sure, there are lots of things that we need to fix in this world but are they ever a one time fix? I changed my bike tire last season, so does that mean it’s never going to be needing a fix again? My father last year had 2 caps on his teeth re-capped.

Whenever I hear the words just one time I instantly recognize that the only thing that’s going to happen one time is me having this conversation with you and what you’re selling, cause I’m not coming back. I don’t want just a one time fix, even if it does exist. It’s an over sell, an over promise.

To be fair, there may be a piece of the pie that can just be replaced once and it’s good for the rest of the life of the product. What I’m trying to say is that when I’m finished with an item or a product or a solution I want it to be so ratty and taped up and zip-tied that somebody who looks at it just one time will laugh at it, physically or literally.

Point is, I want a lifetime. Not just one time. I want to easily be able to fix it. I want to initiate a relationship that will last a good long time. I want to have that trust, and I don’t want to waste my time.

It doesn’t take just one quick fast to change a lifestyle or a health choice, it takes an infinite amount of just one quick small choices. I’m not going get my intestine removed just one time to help me on my weight loss program. I’m not going to buy a computer (tv, smartphone, tablet, etc.) just one time and it’ll be the fastest and bestest and I’ll never have to ever buy another one again.

Even my oven, a seemingly solid and long lasting item. Last year I had to replace the bottom heating coil on it, on this one time buy.

My relationship(s)? You got it, I want to continually and consciously be building it and tweaking it and nurturing it, not just one time promises.

Are you one-timing it, or are you life-timing it?

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