Tag Archives: believe

Educated Influence

There is a problem. It’s labelled many things, in many forms, around many locations, and infiltrates most all living quarters.

I call it media influence. I call it propaganda. I call it brainwashing.

And the hardest thing about it, is that it’s so bloody hard to identify. We’ve been trained for a few generations now to not really notice it, to not really think twice about its existence, to accept it as natural in our world. We’ve given up on letting ourselves make the ultimate decision of whether it’s good or bad, whether we want it or not, whether it’s right or wrong, and become contented with accepting it as we do trees in the forest, or grass on the lawns.

I don’t believe we can stop this snowball we know as propaganda; it’s an industry in itself, like making clothing or music. But what we can do, is direct it and slowly apply pressure to one side to steer it in a new direction.

How do we do this?

Education is your answer.

Confused or afraid about sexuality and what it might infer? Study the history of sexuality. Nervous about not buying the latest iPhone? Learn about other equivalent options. Afraid about bears and killer bees in the forest? Study their habits and get to know them.

The challenge is to not believe everything you hear. The challenge is to test the waters by putting your toes in. The challenge is to keep testing the waters until a day soon it shall become your desired temperature. The challenge is to continually ask yourself: “But why though? Is this my own thought or is this conformity?”

Love.. Programming? …Instinct?

hearts, +, and hugs


This four letter word is more demanding of our thoughts than the strongest of all gale winds, wetter than the wettest of all storms, deeper than all rivers, and thicker than all trees. It follows us on every path, every road, greets us at every waking, and usually sends us to sleep every night. No matter at work, play, home, or away, love follows us.

Wherever you go, there you are ~Confucius

Love often sways our mood greatly. Those of us that get effected by sadness, love is usually a large player in that game. Happiness is usually associated with the freedom to love. Sometimes woes with our family comes from wanting to send with love some wisdom, and having our love insulted when the other doesn’t jump up and thank us for that same wisdom from the heart.

It is a weird bird, this love. Is it pesky? Is it warranted? Is it necessary? Are we being told to love, and therefor wanting to love? Continue reading