Don’t Say You Don’t Have Enough Time

You have exactly the same number of hours a day as Pasteur, Michelangelo, Mother Teresa, Helen Keller, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein.

I just read this on a website that, in spite the few spelling corrections I made, I have quoted word for word.

Time is something we cannot control. Time is just a scale that has been conveniently used to organize schedules for our industrial world. But time becomes irrelevant when life is at hand, save for the simple fact that at the end of a stretch of time our human existences will expire.

I know very well the feeling of setting time related goals for myself and getting anxious and angry that I haven’t completed them, which overwhelms me and then pushes me to abandon the goal entirely.

Step away from a time frame. Set goals but let them be quests, not burdens.

So, you want to write a book? Then write it, whenever and however you can. Scrap paper, the back of envelopes, a computer at the public library, or your girlfriends second computer. When it’s out, it’s out. That is the time for it to be completed, and not a moment too early or late.

Or, perhaps you enjoy the daunting feeling of looking at a days to-do list and the impossibility of it all?


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