Tag Archives: problem

All In An Instant

There is patience and there is crippling fear.

Patience is an aware look at the situation, using better forms of judgement and aptitude to gauge prospects plainly laid out in front , and using all of this information to base judgements and action upon.

And then there is crippling fear that roots one so hard to their current situation that one fails to acknowledge discomfort, stress, and effects on health and mood before it’s too late and something breaks.

Both of these situations take just one single moment, one single instant to rectify, both within ourselves through our own actions or mindset, or through external forces that may just be the factors in the situation itself. A simple unexpected event.

But we can’t plan for the unexpected. We can plan, we can strategize, but the unexpected is.. unexpected.

It’s the difference between saying: “Yes, I understand that things are busy right now, getting out of control, but I’m creating plans and routines and methodologies to help with this, that I’m very eager to practice! Patience and persistence will solve this problem shortly.”

Or I can say: “I am so busy. I can’t do this. Why do these people keep demanding of me. I’ll never get this done. But I can’t stop, or somebody might get mad. Everybody is counting on me. There is no alternative. Must just keep doing as quick as demands come in.”

I prefer doing anticipatory work, rather than reactionary work. I prefer looking for schemes that will allow me to scale easily, rather than lurching like an old rusty transmission.

Smart & hard, not just hard. But this is my efficiency, not yours.

Educated Influence

There is a problem. It’s labelled many things, in many forms, around many locations, and infiltrates most all living quarters.

I call it media influence. I call it propaganda. I call it brainwashing.

And the hardest thing about it, is that it’s so bloody hard to identify. We’ve been trained for a few generations now to not really notice it, to not really think twice about its existence, to accept it as natural in our world. We’ve given up on letting ourselves make the ultimate decision of whether it’s good or bad, whether we want it or not, whether it’s right or wrong, and become contented with accepting it as we do trees in the forest, or grass on the lawns.

I don’t believe we can stop this snowball we know as propaganda; it’s an industry in itself, like making clothing or music. But what we can do, is direct it and slowly apply pressure to one side to steer it in a new direction.

How do we do this?

Education is your answer.

Confused or afraid about sexuality and what it might infer? Study the history of sexuality. Nervous about not buying the latest iPhone? Learn about other equivalent options. Afraid about bears and killer bees in the forest? Study their habits and get to know them.

The challenge is to not believe everything you hear. The challenge is to test the waters by putting your toes in. The challenge is to keep testing the waters until a day soon it shall become your desired temperature. The challenge is to continually ask yourself: “But why though? Is this my own thought or is this conformity?”