Tag Archives: mapping

Igniting Passion

Igniting passion is a very valuable skill to have. To be able to tap into this essence that seems to live in the ether but still very valid and so thick it’s almost tangible.

Regular monotony in a daily thought pattern to inspired passion

There’s a pattern to this though, there’s some secrets to regularly igniting this inspired passion to have it become more and more prominent as days go by.

How, you may ask? How do we take our regular monotony, our tedious schedule of daily life and turn it into a passionate and inspired life? The answer is simple: modify and carefully select your daily thought patterns.

Kim Anami calls it following your bliss. Seth Godin talks about the process. The truth is, it’s continual thought patters that are as dynamic as the changing weather seasons but just as reliably there.

I refer to this as awareness and commitment and intention. The Art of Manliness calls this concentration training. What do you call this?

The skill you need is simple: intention. Know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Know why you say what you’re saying. Know where it is that you want to get to, and how you plan to get there so that you can identify when you’re not following those plans to get there and you can re-map your path back onto that path.

Everybody has their own strategy to mapping this. Creating a personal mission statement, defining effective goals, slowing down, check lists… Perhaps you have some tips for me?

Reflection and Mapping

Today is a day for reflection. Today I review my personal goals. I found an old Mission Statement and wrote: “stay sober (except in private)” which I find quite funny. It was under the section titled Keep Healthy. Not to worry, I don’t think I have a problem.

It’s so very interesting to identify how my direction and path have changed. For example, a big chunk of these has always been graduate from university: check.

Now what?

Find what I can learn from people (Why I love them)

To quote from my success factors from early 2009: “I will keep on trying hard, every single day. No matter what it takes, I will not give up. There will be times when I will feel overwhelmed with the tasks at hand, but I will always know that my best is the best I can do, and that I will always put forth my best effort so I will always be doing my best, which is all anybody can expect from me.”

Talking this over with a friend today, the idea of Desire Mapping came up, a slogan Danielle LaPorte uses for motivation. The concept is kind of self explanatory, but so diverse in execution.

How do you map out your desires, or do you just wing it?