Tag Archives: focused

Personal Mission Statement

Creating a personal mission statement is probably the most effective long term focus machine you can build for yourself that directs you towards success and growth. It allows for you to stay focused, and remind yourself periodically (when you’re most in need) on what you want to stay focused on.

So, to start I brainstorm what it is that I want to accomplish, what are my goals. Take a moment to read about how to set effective goals, but this process of writing the mission statement will also focus your goals allowing you to then find more ‘WOW’ goals. This is critical to keeping yourself motivated and directed towards them.

After you have written down your goals, break them down into sub goals, either point form or get right to sentences about how you’re going to achieve these goals. Think about what specific activities you have to focus on in order to achieve them, like lift weights for 20 minutes a day, read a book for 30 min before bed every night, etc. This way you have a specific goal that doesn’t leave much up for interpretation.diving turtle_0

I also like to keep my mission statement tidy. I organize it like a formal report, with a table of contents, and headings, even including a title page, although the content is very personal and not necessarily formal. I like to keep it in a way that it will not be boring for me to read. I will even insert some funny jokes or slang so next time I read it I will be in a good mood.

I find that referring to this personal mission statement on a at least quarterly basis is extremely beneficial for myself. It helps remind me of what I’m focused on, and it also helps me to see what I was aimed at then, and how it has changed now. I am never afraid of editing the document. I may see spelling or grammar, but I will also see things that have changed, and I alter them in the mission statement.

archives_0I keep remembering a quote from Gandhi, where he says: “If there is an instance where I have been strongly for a certain topic, and later I learn that the knowledge that I was basing my stance on wasn’t in fact true, or has become more learned, then I will be the first to admit I was wrong, and immediately change my position on the subject.” This is just common sense to me!

Mahatma_GandhiDo you have another way that you use to help you stay focused on your goals? I’d love to hear about them.

Thought Process

You are here to feed your body and mind with good information. You are an active learner, and you are trying to achieve all that you can achieve while you are here in this world.

The trick is to make yourself absolutely believe in this, without a shadow of a doubt.

It may seem a little excessive, but it’s not. You are going to be a better person for trying and succeeding with your goals. We may not all have the same goals in mind when we start off on this path to wellness, but there are certain things that we can all do the same that are simply beneficial to every and anyone who tries them.

Make Yourself Goals I like to use a whiteboard to write down my short and long term goals, but a piece of paper will work too. I usually compile this into a personal mission statement.

Start off very broad, with key elements you would like to focus on like health, eating, exercise, and mind. Then from these pick a few things that you feel you can do to achieve them.


For example, for exercise I would write down go hiking one day a week, get at least 3 days of working out a week.

For eating I would write, make 2 new recipes from my new cook book, don’t eat one fast food product, and have a blend every morning.

Having these easy tasks laid out will make it a lot easier to achieve and stay focused on your path.

Constantly re-evaluate what you wrote down. It really feels good to cross off things that you’ve done on the list, or increase health activities to greater number.

For example after getting on track with my exercise routine, I may change my goals to: lift weights for 45 minutes 3 times a week, do one hike a week that lasts over an hour, go for a 30 minute walk 2 times a week.

You will also notice that you will drop certain activities out of your list when you have changed your ideas of what works and what doesn’t work for you. Keep in mind that you always want to challenge yourself. When you reach your goals, you know that you have progressed.

Never be satisfied with the level your at though, continually be looking for newer and better ways to live a healthy life.

Thought process requires planning, attitude, and personal commitment to the goals. Like any skill, proper thought process requires learning, and effort for a extended period of time to stay focused on the decision, and goals, but in the end, rewards anybody who takes action in their own thoughts.