Look ma! I'm creative!

Expressing Creativity

Creativity. A catch all, fun to use word.

“Hey me too! I like to be creative.”

How do you do it? What gets it out?

I think a big problem in our hyper culture right now is that so many of us believe in creativity – believe in expression (which is an absolutely beautiful thing we do have the time and awareness to understand this) – but then flounder or deliberate when it comes down to shipping, to expressing creativity.

It is a hard thing to identify. I am sitting here right now reading and reading and reading one of the many brilliant articles coming into my inbox, thinking that I’m just staying on top of things. But am I? Or am I squandering my opportunities to really create?

I guess another beautiful thing about this hyper culture is that this power is our own, it’s our choice.

Igniting Passion

Igniting passion is a very valuable skill to have. To be able to tap into this essence that seems to live in the ether but still very valid and so thick it’s almost tangible.

Regular monotony in a daily thought pattern to inspired passion

There’s a pattern to this though, there’s some secrets to regularly igniting this inspired passion to have it become more and more prominent as days go by.

How, you may ask? How do we take our regular monotony, our tedious schedule of daily life and turn it into a passionate and inspired life? The answer is simple: modify and carefully select your daily thought patterns.

Kim Anami calls it following your bliss. Seth Godin talks about the process. The truth is, it’s continual thought patters that are as dynamic as the changing weather seasons but just as reliably there.

I refer to this as awareness and commitment and intention. The Art of Manliness calls this concentration training. What do you call this?

The skill you need is simple: intention. Know why you’re doing what you’re doing. Know why you say what you’re saying. Know where it is that you want to get to, and how you plan to get there so that you can identify when you’re not following those plans to get there and you can re-map your path back onto that path.

Everybody has their own strategy to mapping this. Creating a personal mission statement, defining effective goals, slowing down, check lists… Perhaps you have some tips for me?

The Leader Who Had No Title by Robin Sharma

I have never found that reading personal development (pd) books enlighten me to a whole new way of living, a whole new theory, ground breaking results, astonishing returns, etc.

I don’t think this is what change is really about, or really that it’s realistic to think that a human will grasp onto this kind of alteration to life. I feel that change – and learning – is a direct result of connecting with what we are learning, associating our own lives and acts with what we’re reading, and being able to take away new techniques that we might be able to use in our quest to get stronger.

Though drastic change is required and necessary at times, people are much more susceptible to change on a gradual basis. Say, over a year or even 10 rather than cold turkey.

“Success is created through the performance of a few small daily disciplines that stack up over time to produce achievements far beyond anything you could have planned for.”


The Leader Who Had No Title – by Robin Sharma – discussed the importance of realizing that change happens one at a time. Each day if we pick one thing to focus on and grow and nurture, after a year there will be 365 things we’ve learned!

“Leaders are those individuals who do the things that failures aren’t willing to do – even though they may not like doing them either.”

If you’re looking for words of inspiration, with take home notes that will have you returning again and again to re-find tips to find personal success, to re-learn how to lead without a title, then this is your book.

I really appreciate the underlying message of the book, that we can not afford to wait until we have a title to start acting like a leader. Make every day a day where you’ve been sticking your neck out there, leading.

The book guides the reader through a fantastic and life changing day Blake is taken on by an unexpected life guide, Tommy – an old friend of his fathers, who helps enlighten him to the ethics of a leader without a title.

I have talked to some people about this book, and they’ve mentioned how they dislike the authors delivery, which I can associate with. I think for a lot of people this is the awkward feeling of introspection. Reading a pd book really does make you look inside to your own actions, associating with your activities and assessing how your actions can be changed. However, the repetition Sharma employs can at times make one feel a bit silly.

I appreciate what this book is delivering though, the message. It was almost too easy for me to associate with. To me, that is the power of this book.

I suggest reading The Leader Who Had No Title, and if you have read it, I would love to hear how you felt about the book in the comments below!


It feels good to do. Just do. To put in a good days of work getting further towards that plan. To itemize and destroy that list of hurtles getting on ones way.

As a human coming into adulthood and maturity, I am starting to realize that there is a difference between a) planning, deliberating, conceptualizing, developing, & shipping and b) thinking, talking, reading, believing, and getting distracted.

I understand how easy it is to get sidetracked with seeing what other people are up to on our favorite social networks – and the motivation they’re sharing with me. I understand how easy it is to find a good movie on and just feel comfortable with it. I understand how easy it is to get immersed in a good bit of fiction -or- non, and feel like it’s at least better than watching television.

But nothing feels like my own personal or collaborative accomplishment does.

True accomplishment, the kind of accomplishment where pride is found.


True accomplishment doesn’t necessarily come hand in hand with success, unless you consider success learning; when you’re pushing yourself to do things, to work, to deliver, you most certainly are going to take home a few lessons learned at the end of the day.

This is where pride is found. This is where contentment is found. This is where belief in oneself is found.

This thought came to me today as I sat here after designing and soldering a new circuit board prototype together. I have been deliberating and thinking and talking about it for so long, always finding excuses like not being able to afford to buy the parts (which is another mind hurdle I’ll leave for another discussion), or that I didn’t have my equipment here to do the work…

Though these may each be valid and hindering me from doing what I must do – budget considering – I want to point out that actually getting down to business, real business and executing… that’s the stuff that feels right and good and is usually just a different angle or viewpoint on the task. I’ve learned that this is the stuff that makes me believe believe in myself, this accomplishment.

Accomplishment. Yes, today I have truly and really taken one step closer to my dreams.

Thinking about this deeper, I think this might be where shoppers get the feeling of accomplishment. Something physical to show for a days work – funny as that may sound to some of us. I think this is also the euphoric bliss one gets after a bout of meditation or yoga. Not only is it a spiritual nurturing, but one comes out feeling like something meaningful and soul building was accomplished.

Whether you find that motivation to accomplish or not is your choice.  It takes effort and patience and there are most certainly going to be things that get done and prove to be lessons learned, not successfully completed tasks.

In the end however, the only way I’ve ever found this feeling of satisfaction with myself, with accomplishment, is to actually get out there and do it, to have that moment in time afterwards where I sit and reflect upon what I’ve just done and tell myself: “I’m here, now I know.”

Chia Seeds

Nutritional Value | Chia Seeds

Serving 10 g (~1 tablespoons)

Calories 179 calories
Protein 1.65 g
Carbohydrates 4.2 g
Fiber 3.4 g | M: 38g (10%) | W: 25g (13.6%)

Omega-3 Fatty Acids 3.3 g
Fatty acids Saturated 0.33 g
Fatty acids Monounsaturated 0.231 g
Fatty acids Polyunsaturated 2.366 g
Fatty acids Trans 0.014 g

Calcium 63 mg | 6.3% | 1 cup of milk = 299 mg
Iron 0.77 mg | 5.9%
Phosphorus  86 mg | 12.3%
Potassium 41 mg | 0.9%
Sodium 2 mg | 0.1%
Magnesium  34 mg | 9.4%
Manganese  0.27 mg | 13%
Zinc 0.46 mg | 4.8%

Vitamin C 0.2 mg | 0.2%
Thiamin 0.062 mg | 5.4%
Riboflavin 0.017 mg | 1.4%
Niacin 0.883 mg | 5.9%
Vitamin A 5 IU | 0.7%
Vitamin E 0.05 mg | 0.3%


History | Chia Seeds

I recently returned from the grocery store with my father, who was astounded and flabbergasted about what I bought as supplements to my diet. It was hard for me to explain to him the benefits of eating chia seeds without being able to recite the nutritional facts listed above. After all, without facts we’re just talking about a study we read somewhere, sometime. So, I started digging.

Chia seeds have been used as food and medicine for a good number of years, we’re talking proof of its usage as early as 3500 B.C. in the native tribes of Central & South America. It was actually used as currency! Apparently the conquistadors disliked the chia because it was used heavily in tribal ceremonies, so this led to the slow decline of its use.

It is also interesting to note that because of it’s high anti-oxidant levels, the chia seeds can last almost 2 years without refrigeration.

Benefits | Chia Seeds

It is reported that chia seeds can increase endurance and resistance to heat and thirst. Apparently botanist Edward Palmer – an explorer of Mexico in 1891 – reported 1 tsp of chia seeds would sustain a foot traveler for 24 hrs. So, a high endurance is expected.

Chia seeds improve the balance of healthy fats in the body. These are the Omega-3 fatty acids that ease inflammation reducing cardiovascular diseases, enhance cognitive performance, and reduce high cholesterol. They are one of the richest plant-based sources of fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid (ALA).

The seeds also have a high antioxidant content, which protects the body from free radicals, aging, and cancer. It’s been shown to regulate serum glucose levels. Given that they effect blood flow, please consult a qualified doctor about consuming chia seeds and continuing medication for the blood flow.

“The Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center cites a study that showed that chia seed supplementation significantly reduced several risk factors for cardiovascular disease in 20 subjects with Type II diabetes. Effects included decreased blood pressure and fibrinogen and C-reactive protein levels. However, the center also states that these results indicate that chia seeds may increase the effects of medications to lower blood pressure. If you are currently taking anti-hypertensive drugs, or have other risks for heart disease, please consult with a qualified health care practitioner before using this dietary supplement.” ~Karyn Maier @ Livestrong

“A study published in the “British Journal of Nutrition” showed that chia seeds as a dietary fat source can lower triglycerides and cholesterol levels while increasing HDL or “good” cholesterol. The study also found that when substituting chia seeds for other fat sources, such as corn oil, the ALA was able to prevent high triglyceride levels and reduce central obesity.” ~Jen Hathwell @ SF Gate

Do you have any favorite chia seed recipes that you’d like to share? I have it daily in my blend.

Note: if you are on any medication please consult your doctor about changes to your diet and any possible conflicts with your medication.


The Devil and Miss Prym by Paulo Coelho

I read the Alchemist and I was completely moved as a person, as a human, who was also on a quest to learn my own way in life. I was struck by the raw serendipity of the main character, and the almost coincidental / too wild to be real events that continually happened to the main character.

The Devil and Miss Prym was no different.

When we are first introduced to the book, we learn about an old lady, old Berta, who sits on her front porch waiting for the Devil to arrive. She knows this because she’s talking with her dead husband who shows her the answers, and coincidentally the future.

Old Berta is not Miss Prym. Miss Prym is the young woman, the last young person, living in the small and aging town of Viscos, a community isolated from the rest of the modern world and extremely content with this fact. An honest village working hard for their money. Miss Prym is the young lady sitting by the river looking to accidentally bump into the new stranger in town – yes, who’s the Devil.

As with all Coelho books, this book ends with a clear message or lesson about the way of human life. A message. Gospel to live by. It was a nice break from the more serious non-fiction books I’ve been reading as of late.

Have you ever read The Devil and Miss Prym? How do you find Coelho books?


Stimulation Leads to Action, Right?

Over stimulation exists. Stimulation, inspiration, information, communication, research…

If there is anything for certain, stimulus is a resource we have a plethora of, given the state of information sharing we find ourselves in, but are we lacking in motivation? Perhaps motivation is the wrong word here. Motivation could be included in the stimulus.

After motivation comes Action.

Action. Action is from you. The onus is on you. You can not ignore or hide action, it is there looking you right back in the face saying, “hello, nice day isn’t it? Keep going.”

Action is the result of motivation. The plan gets written, the goals get set, the action gets set in motion and momentum builds.

Stimulation can only get you so far, the rest is up to you.

Do you have a trick? I’d love to hear what you do to get yourself out of a spiral of inspiration.

Just One Time

Just one time. A one time fix.

Quite a novel idea isn’t it?

I guess this is also equivalent to the quick fix, the get rich quick scheme, speeding…

Sure, there are lots of things that we need to fix in this world but are they ever a one time fix? I changed my bike tire last season, so does that mean it’s never going to be needing a fix again? My father last year had 2 caps on his teeth re-capped.

Whenever I hear the words just one time I instantly recognize that the only thing that’s going to happen one time is me having this conversation with you and what you’re selling, cause I’m not coming back. I don’t want just a one time fix, even if it does exist. It’s an over sell, an over promise.

To be fair, there may be a piece of the pie that can just be replaced once and it’s good for the rest of the life of the product. What I’m trying to say is that when I’m finished with an item or a product or a solution I want it to be so ratty and taped up and zip-tied that somebody who looks at it just one time will laugh at it, physically or literally.

Point is, I want a lifetime. Not just one time. I want to easily be able to fix it. I want to initiate a relationship that will last a good long time. I want to have that trust, and I don’t want to waste my time.

It doesn’t take just one quick fast to change a lifestyle or a health choice, it takes an infinite amount of just one quick small choices. I’m not going get my intestine removed just one time to help me on my weight loss program. I’m not going to buy a computer (tv, smartphone, tablet, etc.) just one time and it’ll be the fastest and bestest and I’ll never have to ever buy another one again.

Even my oven, a seemingly solid and long lasting item. Last year I had to replace the bottom heating coil on it, on this one time buy.

My relationship(s)? You got it, I want to continually and consciously be building it and tweaking it and nurturing it, not just one time promises.

Are you one-timing it, or are you life-timing it?

Punctuality and Appointments

The concept is simple. If you commit to something, follow through with it.

In my opinion, the following excuses do not look good on a person no matter which way it’s delivered, and over time it will wear a persons patience with you thin:

  • I forgot
  • I got busy
  • no response or admission

As a side caveat, there is some redemption in begging for forgiveness. But keep in mind, this also defines personality.

I remember reading The Count of Monte Cristo many years ago, and it described in detail how the Count was meticulous for arriving at the exact appointed time of an appointment. He would go so far as to wait a few blocks away in the event he had arrived a few minutes early.

The compliment, “You’re very punctual young lady,” is empowering and a sign of respect. On the contrary, having to apologize for being late or not showing up at all does nothing for confidence and character.

Some tips I can offer:

  • if you continually forget appointments keep a calendar
  • if you continually double book yourself keep a calendar
  • if you’re unsure if you have an appointment at the desired time, inform the appointee that you’re unsure and you’ll get back to them

You define yourself in the end, these are just my observations. Calendars are indispensable.

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Pleasures and All

Every animal has their pleasures (yes, us humans are included in this).

Whether we’re vocal, public, or confident about it is another matter.

I have noticed a trend that those of us that do not shy away from our pleasures, whether it’s investing in stocks, creating toothpick art, a perfect cup of coffee in the morning, or reaching 5 orgasms in 10 minutes… the idea is that if we are proud of what we’re doing, if we’re interested in it and dig into it with all that we have and possess, then we’ll find ourselves in the region where a glow and shine emanates from our beings vibrantly.

That’s where I’m going. I hope I’ll see you there.